How Does A Patient Get an Ear Infection?

At some point in life most people have suffered from an ear infection. Children are more likely to develop ear infections than their adult counterparts. Some people are also more prone to developing multiple ear infections.

A middle ear infection is an infection in the space behind the ear drum. Children and adults can be afflicted with symptoms including drainage from the ear, trouble hearing, headaches, and pain in the affected ear.

Despite how common ear infections are, most people do not know how an ear infection occurs. How does a patient get an ear infection?

Causes of an Ear Infection?

An ear infection is typically caused by a virus that is able to travel into the middle ear. This is usually a result of an airborne virus, another illness such as a cold, the flu, or even allergies. When the nasal passages, throat, and eustachian tubes swell as a result of these illnesses fluids can build in the middle ear. 

In a healthy individual the eustachian tubes regulate air pressure in the middle ear. They also help the body drain normal secretions from the ear. But when a patient is sick, these tubes can become blocked. The fluid build-up that occurs can then become infected.

Treatment for an Ear Infection

Most cases of ear infections clear up by themselves. Therefore, when the pain first begins doctors will often monitor the infection and suggest ways to manage the pain. Depending on the case and how it progresses, antibiotics may be prescribed.

Complications That Can Result from an Ear Infection

If you experience pain in your ear that is severe, does not improve, or is accompanied by pus or bloody fluid, you must seek medical attention immediately. There are numerous other conditions that can cause ear pain. You could suffer from permanent hearing loss, a tear in your ear drum, or the infection could spread to other parts of the ear and body.  

Seek Treatment at a Local Urgent Care Center Today

If you are experiencing symptoms of an ear infection you should seek medical attention. It is always best to have your condition assessed by a trained medical professional to prevent any complications that could arise if care is neglected.

Urgent care centers are open and available to help patients any time of day with symptoms of an ear infection. For a proper diagnosis, help developing a treatment plan, and to get relief from your ear pain, call or stop by your local urgent care center today.